Postgresql and Lisp
How to create a Data Access Object for PostgreSQL Data using Postmodern
There is a project called postmodern.
Postmodern is a Common Lisp library for interacting with PostgreSQL databases.
see for more information:
First I am going to create the user and database into postgresql:
postgres=# create user lisp_user with password 'your-secret';
postgres=# create database my_database owner lisp_user ;
Now we need to load the library by quicklisp:
(ql:quickload "postmodern")
To load "postmodern":
Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "postmodern"
After that, we need to create a file postgresql-and-lisp.lisp
(in-package :postmodern)
(defvar *db-parameters* '("my_database" "lisp_user" "your-secret" "localhost" :POOLED-P T)
"Information about the connection of database.")
(defparameter *my-fruit* nil
"This var will has an object of fruits.")
;;; Define the macro to connect to the postgresql server
(defmacro with-database (&body query)
"This macro creates the connection with specified database in *db-parameter* and execute the query."
`(postmodern:with-connection *db-parameters* ,@query))
;;; define a simple table in other words define a table called fruits
(defclass fruits ()
((fruit-id :accessor fruit-id :col-type serial :initarg :fruit-id)
(name :accessor name :col-type string :initarg :name :initform ""))
(:documentation "DAO class example")
(:metaclass postmodern:dao-class)
(:table-name fruits)(:keys fruit-id))
(deftable fruits (!dao-def))
;;create the table in postgresql server
(with-database (create-table 'fruits))
;;; Database access objects (CRUD)
;;; Crate a record
(insert-dao (make-instance 'fruits :name "apple")))
;; Read a record
(get-dao 'fruits 1))
;; Read the information and set it in *my-fruit* var.
(setf *my-fruit* (with-database
(get-dao 'fruits 1)))
;;; define a method in order to display the information
(defmethod get-fruit-information ((obj fruits))
(format t "id= ~a ~%name= ~a~%" (fruit-id obj) (name obj)))
;;; Update information
(defmethod update-my-fruit ((obj fruits) new-name)
;; set the new value
(setf (name obj) new-name)
;; finally update the record
(update-dao obj)))
;;; Delete information
(defmethod delete-my-fruit ((obj fruits))
;; Delete the object
(delete-dao obj)))
You can get the file:
#postgres #lisp #postmodern